
stretching the truth.

I have no respect for someone who constantly chooses to stretch the truth... whether it be for their own protection or to manipulate others to get their way. Lies bring more lies, hurt feelings and bewilderment. It's selfish and cowardly. I realize that the truth isn't always the easiest thing to admit but sometimes the price of the lie is just too high.

Lately I've been feeling very nostalgic and secretly wishing I could go back in time for a while and experience those carefree and naive feelings again. Life was so simple then and I was so hopeful, invincible in a way. I'm not saying I'm not hopeful now but there have been so many obstacles put in front of me and I'm left with a multitude of questions. Questions that I feel I deserve the answers to. It's only fair, but I guess not everyone cares about fairness these days.

Honestly, I don't know to deal with selfish people, liars, cheaters, and people who are just plain evil. It doesn't commute in my mind and I'm left extremely confused. Why bother spending so much energy on negative things? What good can come of it? Eventually the people involved will catch on and karma will take effect.

I could never purposely hurt someone - I simply don't know how. I give all my trust and love to the people in my life and to hurt them would pain me more than hurting myself. But trust me, if someone wrongs me in some way - it's nearly impossible to win me over again. I can forgive (to a degree) but I can never forget. Life is too short to have people in my life who don't deserve me. I'm better than that and I much rather spend my time with people who are worthy.

1 Comment:

  1. Debbie said...
    I am the same way I could never hurt anyone so how can they hurt me with such ease is beyond me.

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