
the beginning.

It's been quite a few years since I had a public blog. I have a few private ones that are protected by passwords and such and I don't talk about much except what's going on in my own personal life. Not necessarily something you want accessible to the rest of the world.

A lot has happened to me in the past year. Things I can't explain and are still very difficult to put into words. I'm not a language person as much as I would like to be. This is something I'm working on. My thoughts get mumbled in my head and my mouth can never seem to catch up. It sounds odd maybe but it's the best way to explain it.

This is why I'm very quiet when I first meet someone. I'm assessing things at all times and lately I've begun to go with the flow more and in that I've realized I've been missing out. I didn't work on my impulses enough and therefore I was stuck in a rut. A rut that was self inflicted.

New Years Eve was the beginning of what I like to call my enlightenment. If that sounds crazy to you, you haven't the faintest idea what that words means.

Back to what I was saying, why do a public blog now? Because now I feel like I have something to say. I don't know who will read this or who will care. But I feel like now is the time to let my thoughts be accessible to whoever would like to hear them. Maybe someone out there will identify with me and it's a sense of belonging and understanding that makes this world bearable.

This is the beginning of something beautiful.


  1. Choke! said...
    Write it all down, for better or worse. Sometimes that is the only way to understand yourself and get a clear head.
    Let it out.
    the petunia said...
    Hey gorgeous... I hope you don't mind that I added you to my blogroll. I miss you and I'm glad you started this.


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