
the state of things.

I've had a lot of wake up moments lately. I'm learning more and more about how people are and their motives. I may not understand why they do the things they do but I need to be aware to protect myself. I've given my trust to people who just wanted to use my kindness. That breaks my heart. I just want to be happy and for the people I love to be happy. I'll bend over backwards to make it happen.

My mother was the same way. She didn't see race or religion dispute being raised in a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in a very religious family. She was there for her friends no matter what, even when she left the church and they dismissed her. And to see them crying at her funeral made me so angry. How can you ignore someone because they don't do what you want them to and then go around and show up at their funeral. I wasn't part of the church and as her daughter, I was insulted not to even be acknowledged.

It's the labels that we put on ourselves that divide us. I don't see myself as white, straight, brunette, agnostic.. whatever. I love who I love for who they are, not what they are. America prides itself on being a free country but obviously stereotypes reign and minds are still closed.

What's so wrong with being completely free?

Sean Penn's film "Into The Wild" really spoke to me. I highly recommend it.


  1. Unknown said...
    That is very touching and insightful.
    Debbie said...
    I also write at www.myramblingthoughts.com if you want to add that to your blogroll too. I am adding you to my blogrolls doll.

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