
two thousand and nine.

I cannot express how thankful I am for the new year. I'm using it as a catalyst to turn my life around. I've erased people, surroundings and other variables that have been hindering my own personal growth. This year is going to be about finding out who Cassandra is again. I forgot her and I miss her oh so much. I guess you could say that I'm going back to my roots, both figuratively and literally.

Steps have already been taken and I have a lot of plans for myself. I decided to try living my life sober meaning no alcohol or drugs. Living in a city like Los Angeles where drugs are part of the culture, I want to learn how to have fun and enjoy things without putting toxins in my body. I'm going to be replacing them with more positive things like mediation, exercise, art, dance and many other new things I've never tried before.

I feel like I'm falling in love with myself again. I've spent a lot of time recently giving myself up to people who never had my best interests at heart. I was so busy trying to keep someone else comfortable and happy that I suffered greatly. I don't blame anyone though because that path is what lead me to where I am today. There is no way I'll ever go backwards. Life has so much to offer and I want to experience it all. And remember it!

This blog will get a lot more personal in the coming months. If you are out there reading this, I thank you and I hope you find comfort in my words as I do with so many other distant friends online. They make me feel not so alone. I just saw the loveliest film today called "PS. I Love You" and there was this wonderful line that said:

So now, alone or not, you've got a walk ahead. Thing to remember is if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.


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